where the grass grows

photograph of tall grass and weeds

photograph of tall grass and weeds

By Uzomah Ugwu

Boxed photographs in an attic

Full of grass

Morals torn to rags

Mirrors hung against

rusted and broken walls

The smell of moth balls

turns into a mystery unsolved

What could it be that

wasn’t seen before the home

Below was empty

Pockets on clothes left

on racks like they

were never Unpacked

than those boxed up photographs

Haunt everything

like the family never left

Uzomah Ugwu is a poet/writer and multi-disciplined artist. Her poetry and writing have been featured in Prelude Magazine, Tuck Magazine, Wild Word, the Angel City Review, Voice of Eve and Scarlet Leaf Review, and more. She is a political, social, and cultural activist. Her core focus is on human rights, mental health, animal rights, and rights of LGBTQ persons.