The Core | Instead of You
b&w author photo
By Sienna Finney
The Core
for my mother
I left your body with the same
grooves in my fingernails as you
bitten to the quick
bringing comfort when everything else
was out of control.
My teenage years almost destroyed us
while we sat in short sentences
eating marmalade on toast.
Everything you said was an attack
and I was always shrill
trying so hard to use my voice
to sever the umbilical cord.
You collected china from Wales,
while I built shrines for dead rock stars
and decorated my shoes with sharpies.
You worked a 9 to 5, picked us up from school,
went to the grocery store, and made dinner
without any kind of appreciation,
as we shoveled food in our mouths
mumbling answers to your attempt at conversations,
and hurried back to our rooms.
Time made it clear
how much you did
how much you tried
and sacrificed for all of us,
especially yourself
and how there is no other comfort
quite like sitting next to you
eating marmalade,
with all of our differences
holding us together.
Instead of You
I don’t want to forgive you
for all the nights I cried myself to sleep
because of something I buried so far down
it took nearly a decade to surface.
I don’t want to forgive your mother
who was supposed to be protecting me
but all I can hear when I hear the past
is her voice scolding me,
“Stand up straight, suck in your gut,
put your chest out, tuck in your butt....”
Telling me over and over,
“You’re a spoiled brat”
She must have been miserable
to be so resentful of a child.
And I can hear her right outside the window
talking about an AC unit
as you snuck into your sister’s room
and put your fingers up my shorts while we slept.
But I was too scared to tell
because I was sure your mom
would blame it on my cut off shorts
and tank top-- instead of you.
I don’t want to forgive,
I just wish you didn’t exist.
Sienna Finney is a poet who has been writing since she could. Originally from Nashville, TN, she graduated from Austin Peay State University with a degree in English in 2008. She has been published in The Red Mud Review and Prism Magazine. Sienna currently resides in the mountains of Asheville, NC with her life partner and black cat, where she supports locally owned businesses, BLM, LGBTQIA, Women's rights, equality, tree hugging, and making mix CDs for friends.