By Hari Bhajan Khalsa
She wakes each
morning to song,
willing to let the rain
christen her
nakedness, to take
a chance that lines
of caravans will arrive,
scrawls of boats
and windmills
will be etched
in her sand.
She isn’t sure
she can bear
the days when birds
don’t light
on her head,
scratch thoughts
onto her page.
Hari Bhajan Khalsa grew up in a small town in Central Oregon, has lived with her husband in Los Angeles for the past forty years and is looking to return to her rural roots in the near future. Her poems have recently been published in Sand Hills Literary Journal, Birdcoat Quarterly, Potomac Review, Schuylkill Valley Journal and Panoplyzine, among others, as well as forthcoming in The Halcyone, The Blue Earth, Gasher, The Rupture and Zone 3. She is the author of a chapbook, Life in Two Parts (Main Street Rag, 2010) and a book of poems, Talk of Snow (Walrus, 2015).