Image of breathing under water and looking up, seeing the sun

Image of breathing under water and looking up, seeing the sun

PCOD [Polycystic Ovary Disease]

By JGeorge

Tablets plenty,

I stuff my pursed mouth,

Like small planets in the palm of a giant God.

gurgling down blue, white, and yellowish colored little balls.

But only after a bowl full of pulses, sprouts

and a glass of detox water

containing mainly the happy ingredient turmeric and

natural sweetener honey.

accompanied by a teaspoon of sesame powder,

sometimes balled with molasses.

There is yoga before this routine

of eating healthy for the pills to notice;

Stretching the stress out,

bending and bridging the emotional switches and

silently in each breath making room for the gained weight.

It’s a longer journey, I acknowledge through my meditation

pure battle requiring coordination

the ultimate shedding of hair,

leaving traces of my entry and exit,

while on chest, stomach, along the jaw line and upper lips,

they grow indefinitely masking me newer disguises.

This disease so visibly invisible staining each decision and path,

longs to accompany my solitude for a lengthier time

and I mend my ways of living to home me and my PCOD

drinking lots of water and allowing fiber rich food on my plate

exercises on time and writing for mind.

Some days in flow, few lines of a poem written in early mornings

began showing signs of accepting self,

and now I let in peace

in every space given,

and growth in each word written.

JGeorge writes from India. Her poems appear or are forthcoming in The Lumiere Review, Literary Shanghai, MookyChick, Borderless Journal, T.R.O.U Lit Mag and several other online and print journals. She firmly believes that poetry gives her a lease of hope.  https://sailingwithpoetry.blogspot.com/ IG: @leaseofhope