A Body No Longer Hiding With Kaelin Hanrattie


How has writing creating art supported your healing journey?

I would say that creating art has been the biggest part of my healing process and survival. It gives me a sense of purpose and motivation like nothing else. I use it every day to keep going.

What does it mean for you to roar? Can you share about a time you overcame feeling silenced?

For me, to roar means standing up for my own identity and my values. I often speak up against homophobia and racism in my conservative community when possible and try to normalize things no one feels comfortable talking about. I try to end the stigma around mental illness when I can.

What prompted this photo series?

I have struggled with an eating disorder for about a year and a half. I've hated my body when I look in the mirror, but I tried to overcome that and appreciate my flaws using these photos.

What advice would you give to artist that want to pursue their craft, but don't know where to begin?

Follow the things that spark your passion and go from there. That's all you really need to get started.

What is one thing you want women to know today?

We are all different, and society will treat us as such but we are in no way of less value and should love ourselves regardless of what anyone else tells us.

Kaelin has grown up a bisexual Asian young woman in a red state. She has struggled with multiple mental illnesses since childhood due to past trauma. One of the main things she finds comfort in is taking photos. It's very grounding. You can find Kaelin on IG at https://www.instagram.com/photography.by.kae/.