

By. Alisha Hammond

“You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”

A.A Milne wrote this
in Winnie the Pooh,
which I read when I was 6.

I remember reading this line
and feeling

I felt as though
I could do anything,
as though
I was limitless

I cherished that feeling
after learning
just two years later
that it can be lost
and beaten
and tarnished

Lost when I give in
To the nay-sayers,
the second-guessers,
the voices that try to drown me out

Beaten when I choose
to make limits
that I don’t need
for the sake of
pride that's not mine

Tarnished when the hate
for the limits
runs fresh in my veins
and blinds me to my morals

But I’ll find the feeling once more
and patch it back together
and polish it
so that I can see yet again
because I am
braver than I believe,
stronger than I seem,
and smarter than I think.

I am limitless

My name is Alisha Hammond, and I'm a young writer from Lawrenceville, Georgia. I wrote this poem to highlight the simple fact that despite the progress the women's rights movement as made through the decades, we as women are still underappreciated when it matters most. I hope you enjoy! Portfolio: Podcast: