By Dr Sophie Brock
Do not mistake my
Resilience for invincibility
Softness for weakness
Contentment for complacency
Kindness for passivity
My decisions and actions
Are consciously chosen
Actively constructed
Thoughtfully maintained
And repeatedly reassessed.
For which choices will best
Serve and protect my daughter and
Serve and protect myself
As those I love come before
My ego’s fear of judgement
Releasing of anger and resentment
Is not a gift to another
It is a strategy in toil
ing the soil
For my future growth and nourishment
To turn what could have been poisonous
Into Fuel.
A recalibration of a lens
In focusing on the ‘now’
And navigating towards a future
Does not mean diminishing or ignoring
The past.
But moving beyond this
Up to a new elevation
Requires a coming home to a ‘self’
That is in this constant state of
So while these words may pierce
Into whichever consciousness they may
They only rest here
To reverberate back to me
A reminder
Of all that I am – was – can – will –be.
Dr Sophie Brock is a Sociologist who specialises in Motherhood Studies and a single Mother to her 3 year old daughter. She is the founder of The Good Enough Mother, a podcast and platform dedicated to challenging the myths of perfect motherhood, (re)valuing the work of mothers and mothering, and exploring the experience of mothering in all its complexity. Sophie creates online courses that draw on academic mothering research and conscious parenting paradigms, to support mothers in reclaiming an empowered practice of mothering for themselves. She knows the power of vulnerability and 'writing our way into meaning', and hopes her words offer others connection and hope. IG/ FB: drsophiebrock