Your Path

YourPath image.jpg

By Kate Webster

Your purpose is you.

Your purpose is you.

Your purpose is you.


This realisation can hit us

like a punch to the heart.


In its simplicity,

its profoundness.


Its invocation of fear,

masks the most subtle

of sparks -


A flame

to our own potential.


Our fear arises from

our lack of claim

to our own sovereignty.


Our willingness

to hand over a responsibility

that is ours to bear

to others.


A false trust

that ‘someone else’

knows better.


But how could they?


For in our past,

hidden beneath the surface,

is the experience

which has shaped our path to date.


Learnings and knowledge

shaped by our exposure

to information,


and environments;


Relentlessly filtered

through our own perceptions,


and belief systems –


Creating something completely unique.


Something completely irreplicable.


And what of our future?


Our service

in its highest calling

is to hold up a mirror

to show others their own potential -


The uncovering of which,

is an inside job.


It requires us to voyage

into depths unknown,

and in its darkness;

the realisation

there is no going back.


Only metamorphosis.


A transfiguration

into what is to become.


Our purpose

is our expansion:


To transcend

beyond the belief’s we cling to

and those that have been imposed upon us.


Our purpose

is to experience.


Our experience

is our abundance.


We realise life

has been an exploration

of polarity.


Of contrast.


A showcase

of what options are available to us

in any given circumstance

through the use of extremes,

which in turn

has helped us to uncover

where our preferences lie.


Where our desires lie.

Through a very personal indicator:


How we feel.


What we like,

what we don’t.


What we’ll stand for.


What sparks joy.


We begin to understand

our power

lies in our choices,


Which exist in every moment

though both our action

and our reaction

to what presents itself to us.


We learn that resonance

is the sound of our own truth.

It lives within our heart.


A lighthouse,

illuminating the boundaries of the earth

as we navigate our way by the stars.


The tides, the currents,

the winds, the seasons,

ensuring that no two journeys

are ever the same.


It is our evolution to date

that is ours to share.


The lessons of which,

are ours to embody.


<an excerpt from the book To Serve by Kate Webster>

Kate Webster is an Experience Designer who, through writing this book, was pulled to explore a deeper meaning behind our desire to serve. IG: