By. Megan Febuary
I write for the woman who suffers in silence
who fears her voice is gone after decades of misogyny
her mouth taped. hands tied. weighted down with bibles too heavy to lift
but still asked to carry
I write for the woman who still feels the ache
who tastes the salty grit of a memory turned sour and spotty
his sleepy eyes
Thick fingers
Mining a dark cave searching for gold
but she never gave permission
I write for the woman who swallows the small blue pill
who smiles outwardly, yet inside wars a battle that no one can see
her buttoned up shirt. small scars
carved deeply in the bathroom stall
but now hidden and healing
I write to you because I am you
But still we are rising.
Megan Febuary is the Founder and Editor-in-chief of For Women Who Roar™. Her passion around storytelling began at a young age with her own creative journey in writing and art as a form of healing trauma. As a storyteller, content curator, and art director, Megan’s vision For Women Who Roar™ was born from a desire to see womxn’s stories empowered and elevated. Her M.A. in Theology and Culture with an emphasis on Trauma, the body, and integration was around the stories our bodies hold, but are unable to say out loud. Her passion for holding space for women to share their stories has shown itself through publications, hosting creative events and retreats, moderating panels and podcasts, as well as participating in art residencies. She is currently writing her first book that will be released in 2019.