Resilience Makes Me Roar with Poet Marla Mason


What makes you a roaring woman ? 

My resilience and knowing that my strength resides in my voice makes me a roaring woman. Always knowing that my experience is personal yet universal. There are other individuals out there who have had similar experiences and are looking for answers and/or healing. I have a conviction to help navigate the healing process the best way I can for others. 

Can you share with us how you've learned to step into your voice? 

I was eighteen when I was sexually assaulted and held that part of my truth inside of me for over a decade. I knew I had to come to terms with the trauma after speaking to a close friend about the effects the trauma had on my life. I sought help and began to feel more confident in who I was. Not long after that I shared some of my poetry with a close friend who encouraged me to write a book, so I did. I found that I was not alone and that there are many of us who are struggling to overcome trauma, no matter the form. 

How has creating supported your healing process? 

I believe that writing is what has saved my life, and although my healing process is continuous, writing has given me the outlet to shed the tears I couldn't shed in other spaces. Writing has allowed me to reflect on my journey and determine what I want to do and what my true calling is. I believe that creating has allowed me to become more of myself, more connected to others, and more willing and open to being a conduit of change.

You are a writer. When did you begin writing and what advice would you give to young writers just starting out? 

I began writing in the eleventh grade. I took an elective writing course that changed the way I viewed literature and English studies. I fell in love with poetry and stanzas and all the word play involved in expressing true emotions. I fell in love with the art of it all and since then I've been writing and creating. 

The advise I would give for young writers is to be yourself. I could never emphasize this enough, although it seems obvious it can be the hardest thing to do as you adjust and learn yourself throughout the many shifting and changing times in your life. Stay true to who you are, listen to your intuition, never compare yourself to others, and keep a genuine support system in your life to keep you grounded.

What would you tell your ten year old self? 

Dear Marla, 

Life is unpredictable. There is both good and bad that happen to everyone. You are not exempt from this truth, but will learn that your resilience will be the deciding factor of your ability to defy the odds. Always remember to focus past the finish line to finish the race strong. You are strong!

You are more than enough, always, all ways. 

Marla Mason is a raw and honest writer that brings a sense of self confidence and love through her work. She is a self-published author, "When My Soul Was Undone" and "Self-Love: A 30 Day Interactive Journey", who addresses trauma and healing in a way the encourages others to begin their healing processes. Marla is a mother, writer, poet, and motivational speaker. She believes that all trauma can be approached introspectively through self reflection and then through a cathartic practice, such as, writing or journaling. Marla is from Southern California and believes that the message of healing is universal.