The Story is a Legacy with Nizie Nazeha Lokman

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What makes you a roaring woman?

We are all humans that are from two kinds, men and women. We are alike yet different. We are individuals that are unique with unusual ingredients—our energy of inner zest of thoughts, innate talents, and treasure of experiences. Together with a positive attitude, behavior, and emotions, we have the power to find a gripping narrative to develop our struggles to success stories.

Everyone has the opportunity to give back and contribute to the universe in their unique way. With a real sense of purpose, passion, and possibilities, we can realize our real significance in this limited human life we have in this world.

Every act is an expression to oneself. It's how humans navigate their purpose to their passion, which potentially results in extraordinary experiences. The question is whether they want to. If they do, I'm your roaring woman. I firmly believe this is why I want to help women realize their potential can lead to a positive significance, and to do that; they need to go on a journey to transform their whispering dreams into roaring reality. My brand, Navigating Inner Zest into Experiences (NIZIE), is my recipe to show all women that each of us has a story that is empowering and healing. We all can learn from each other. With that, I am so honored to be the first For Women Who Roar member to be featured here. FWWR is a meaningful platform for me. I am so excited that I can connect with other roaring women around the world.

Can you share with us how you've learned to step into your voice and power?

I used to fear the unknown, until one day, I had no choice but to face it. With knees knocking and heart racing, I had to make the most significant decision of my life. I had to choose between a 16-year-old career I love or, to let it all go and be with full-time with my little family that was about to fall apart.

Choosing the latter, family over career was the obvious one. At the same time, I was afraid to move out of my comfort zone. I loved my work as a corporate communicator and chartered marketer. But, when I realized that my life was off-balance from bad to worst, I knew a significant change must happen.

As a workaholic in an organization that is among the Fortune Global 500 Companies, I always imagined myself living a simple yet meaningful life, as opposed to the complicated corporate life. I lacked self-care, while my relationship with family and friends over the years gone astray. I was missing out on moments, feelings, and experiences of life.

I consciously chose courage in my struggles to move forward. I fell off so many times in the process. But the determination lead me to my dreams. So, tiny steps I embraced my multiple roles; writer, wife, mother, and a meaningful member of communities. I learned to show up with a voice and power to inspire others through my stories. I learned what it's like to be human again.

How has creating supported your healing process?

While I was traveling, I sat on the edge of a peer, I was deep in my thoughts, looking out in the endless ocean while watching the sunset. I noticed the point where the sun smeared its golden color to the horizon. It was a reflective moment for me. I felt my true colors were shining through the sun, and it was talking to me. I knew then that I must realize my truths and the need to share some life lessons learned to those who need healing.

I remembered a powerful quote that goes like this, ”I believe that every day, your life speaks to you. Through every experience, through people, you meet even through pain, fear, and self-doubt, “ by Oprah Winfrey.

I was telling myself that I want to do something meaningful while I'm still alive. I started laying down what I have now–I have a passion for writing. I was told by many that my personal experiences could add value to someone. I was a corporate communicator and now a writer. I also have many whispering dreams. What's my calling? What makes me, me? What can I do to make a difference in this world with my unique talents, experiences, and energy?

It boils down to our story. The story we tell is a living legacy that can help motivate people around us, our children, and future generations. It's how we rise from our challenges, and the extraordinary experiences made us be a better human being today. As for me, the process of getting over pain, fear, and self-doubt lead me to a confidence level that makes me come alive. One good example is the opportunity to share my ”letter to your younger self.” It helped me realigned from who I was then and rising as who I am now. I want to help others to reach that point and stretch their full potential just being by themselves.

What is something people might be surprised to learn about you?

Many people have no idea of the real reason I left the corporate world. My colleagues knew I loved the adrenalin rush, anal about deadlines, and the cheerleader to my team. But what they didn’t know was my personal life was compromised. And therefore, with faith more significant than my fear, I crossed over from corporate to family unity and communities. It was the beginning of the bravery to the unknown. It leads me to a new ball game I've never explored in my life; the travel industry and my role as a travel writer. It opened up a whole new world of untapped to potential and perspectives, horizons, and zest of life. While embracing motherhood, my thoughts ran wild with possibilities whenever I go to new places. I found myself deep into thoughts about people in different generations. You, see every generation observes the flaws that came before it. That's how we learn from their mistakes; that's how we grow. That's how we realized where we are and where we want to be. 

”We all can touch the hearts of many with a story. It's a living legacy you will leave behind when you are gone.” –Nizie 

Ever since this reflection, many new ideas emerged in me. One of them is practicing storytelling as a tool to hook my children about my life in different stages, and the people who impacted me, such as my parents, grandparents, my brothers, and friends. Every week there is a theme, and each of my kids, show up and tell their story, their experiences, how they feel, and what they have learned about it.

Not only that, they learn about their ancestors, but they also learned about themselves, their struggles, and how they have the power and voice to master their life story from now. 

Likewise, I hope that women elevate their worth with grit and grace, and share it with others because no one is too small in giving their contribution to the world.

What is one thing you want women to know?

As dreamers who roar, we are the true wonders of the world.

We are natural, exceptional, and beautiful beings that may look soft and feminine from the outside, but strong and powerful from the inside. We can move our whispering dreams to roaring reality in unity. Let's be proud to be the women who roar together.