There's No Secret to Loving Yourself: Interview with Ausha Wallace


Interview with Ausha Wallace

Ausha, you are a plus size model, a fashion blogger, and the creator of Black Plus Women. You are sharing such a positive message of confidence and self love to so many women! At what point did you realize this was what you were passionate about?

I've always had a heart for people and helping them in any way I can, but when I realized that showing others, specially women, what self love is, I Knew this what I wanted to do for the rest of my life and as my career. It all began through my blog as well as reaching out to people that are the closest to me and receiving so much positive and uplifting feedback.

You recently wrote, “It has taking me a very long time to see the beauty in myself. I can truly say I see the beauty in Ausha. Not what others think or want me to be, but for simply being myself.” Learning to love the girl in the mirror is so hard to do. What’s your secret? How have you learned the art of loving yourself?

I think there’s no secret to loving yourself. It is a journey to love yourself for yourself, no one can tell you what you need other than you. I went through so much bullying when I was younger and always had a feeling of not belong in the world. I always felt like I stood out from the crowd because I was ‘a big fat girl’ as the world labeled me. I took that label and made it into diamonds. I made my flaws into something that should be celebrated and not negative. The art of loving myself is having a Creator love me completely through all of my flaws, a Creator that will love me more than any human ever can.

You are a young entrepreneur speaking a powerful message. What highs and lows have you experienced so far about being a 20 year old truth teller?

Actions speak louder than words. You can talk about an idea or have debates about what you want to do with your life, but at the end of the day if there’s no action behind them, it doesn’t mean anything. Also, Having a plan within plans will always be great, but most of the time you have to let things run their course.

Who are the roaring women that have empowered and affirmed you thus far and why? What would you tell them if they were here with us right now? 

I would have to say the women in my family. I'm so thankful to have women who raised me to be the woman I am becoming today. I would tell them that all the hard work and long nights of dealing with me and my brother was worth it, and that I can't wait to spoil them finally through my success and dedication. 

Also, Nadia Aboulhosn has been that woman to me. You know how Beyonce makes you feel when she releases music? Thats how I feel when Nadia has a new blogpost or post an empowering picture on Instagram. 

When I was in High School, she was the first woman that I ever looked up at in the plus size world. She has made such an impact on my life and I'm so thankful that she is in the Plus Size Industry, and for reminding me how to love myself as a plus size woman.

Where do you see yourself ten years from now? 

I see myself breaking barriers. 

I see myself removing walls that we have put between ALL plus size women in shades and sizes. I want to bring Black Plus Women and women of color to the forefront for the world to see we are here. I see myself having a business that’s truly for the plus size woman of every shade and supporting their individual needs. I see myself becoming my own boss woman.

As a black plus size woman pursuing a modeling career, what message would you give your ten year old self?

I would tell my younger self that life will be tough, but you have to be tougher. You are loved by someone that loves you and all your flaws. You have what it takes to take the world by storm. You have so many gifts that people don't have, so use your gifts to make the world a better place. Stay true to yourself always. 

You are a warrior. You are a Queen.

Ausha Wallace is based in Houston, TX. She is the Creator and Visionary of Black Plus Women, and is currently pursuing a plus size modeling career. She wants to change how beauty is seen in the world, and add diversity to the fashion and plus size industry.