For Women Who Roar is a global storytelling community and literary magazine that supports women’s voices.


The name For Women Who Roar came from a poem I wrote about the experience of being a woman in society: feeling muffled yet stepping into her power and presence without apology. When I finished this book, I created a social platform and magazine for other women to roar together. I’m happy you are here with us.

Love, Megan Febuary


Brave the Page: How Writing Our Hard Stories Brings Healing and Wholeness by Megan Febuary

Weaving personal storytelling with research-based insights, gentle affirmations, and inspired prompts, Brave the Page shows you how to harness the power of writing to process your hard stories and experience healing.

Now, more than ever, I want to bring women together off the social platforms driven by algorithms and share space in a private hub where we can connect, share, and write for real. This free communal space is open to all women and non-binary folks aching for creative community.